Egzamin rozpoczyna się krótką rozgrzewką – rozmową wstępną – w trakcie której egzaminator zadaje zdającemu kilka pytań natury ogólnej, które bezpośrednio dotyczą doświadczeń z życia codziennego. Część ustna będzie prosta jeśli będziesz uczył się z Gettin’ English. Najczęściej egzaminator porusza następujące kwestie:
- gdzie mieszkasz,
- czym się zajmujesz (praca, studia),
- jak spędzasz wolny czas,
- jakie masz plany na przyszłość
Jeżeli przygotowujesz się do egzaminu Cambridge English: First to koniecznie sprawdź ofertę e-booków, które przygotują Ciebie do egzaminu FCE.
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Proponujemy również zobaczyć załączony film. Przekonaj się jak wygląda egzamin ustny Cambridge English: First (Part I) w praktyce od 0:40 – 3:05
O czym warto jeszcze pamiętać?
- Mów wyraźnie i na temat.
- Postaraj się być zainteresowany/a tym co mówi drugi zdający (pamiętaj, że egzamin ustny Cambridge English: First jest przeprowadzany w parach).
- Jeśli nie znasz danego słówka, postaraj się go zastąpić innym (synonimem). Dłuższe przerwy w mówieniu sprawią, że stracisz cenne punkty. Płynność wypowiedzi jest najważniejsza.
- Jeśli nie zrozumiałeś/aś pytania zapytaj egzaminatora raz jeszcze o powtórzenie.
- Unikaj odpowiedzi monosylabicznych. Zdania powinny być pełne i należy mówić zwięźle, bez zbędnego „wodolejstwa”.
Z własnego doświadczenia wiemy, iż każdy dzień solidnej pracy sprawi, że Twoje postępy w nauce będą szybko zauważalne. Aby część ustna poszła jak z płatka, wystarczy systematyczność, motywacja i strona taka jak ta, która poprowadzi Cię niemal za rękę. Przydatne słownictwo oraz gramatykę angielską znajdziesz w naszym serwisie. Zaglądaj więc często na Gettin’ English i krok po kroku przygotuj się do egzaminu Cambridge English: First.
Przygotowaliśmy dla Ciebie ciekawe rozwiązanie. Poniżej znajdziesz najczęstsze pytania na egzaminie ustnym (Cambridge English: First). Opracuj wybrane pytanie i podziel się swoim pomysłem w komentarzu. Reszta użytkowników naszego serwisu sprawdzi je pod kątem leksykalno-gramatycznym.
When do you feel relaxed?
What things are you good at?
Do you make friends easily?
Is it important for you to look good?
Would you like to be famous?
What do you like about the place where you live?
Would you like to live in another country?
How much time do you spend learning English?
Do you like your university/work?
How often do you do sports?
Do you watch sports on TV?
Is it important for you to keep fit?
How often do you eat out?
Do you think you eat healthily?
How do you spend your leisure time at weekends?
How often do you meet your friends / relatives?
Where do you usually go out with your friends?
Do you celebrate your birthday every year?
Do you like shopping?
Do you prefer supermarkets or small shops?
Do you ever buy things on the Internet?
What would you like to do in the near future?
Would you like to work abroad?
Which is more important for you: career or fun?
What type of music do you listen to?
Are you interested in science?
Do you ever go to concerts / gigs?
Are you eco-friendly?
What kind of weather do you like?
What do you do to protect the environment?
Where do you like going on holiday?
What is your favourite way of travelling?
Do you like visiting museums or art galleries?
Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
How do you solve conflicts with your family / friends?
Would you like to change something in your life?
Do you get on well with other people?
Do you ever get angry?
How would you describe yourself?
What country would you like to visit soon?
Do you prefer going to the seaside or the mountains?
Do you practise any extreme sports?
Do you ever watch sporting events on TV?
Do you go to any matches?
Do you prefer reading books or going to the cinema?
Would you like to be an actor / actress?
What forms of entertainment do you like?
Do you eat meals regularly?
Can you cook?
Do you prefer home-made food or eating out?
Do you ever eat fast-food?
Are you interested in technology?
How often do you use your computer for your work / studies?
Are you fond of surfing the Internet?
Do you write or read blogs?
Do you often use your mobile phone?
Do you have a social networking account e.g. Facebook?
Do you like studying different things?
Would you rather live in a big city or a small village?
How do you protect your health?
Do you like politics?
Would you like to belong to a politicial party?
Would you like to live in an English-speaking country?
Why is it important for you to know English?
How do you prepare before a trip?
Do you have a pet?
Is nature significant for you?
How often do you see a doctor?
How do you deal with stress?
Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts?
Do you think graffiti is a form of modern art?
What is your favourite dish?
What things do you avoid eating?
Do you take care of your diet?
What school subjects do you enjoy studying?
Would you like to be a teacher?
Do you prefer studying / working on your own or with other people?
What is your opinion about classical music?
Do you ever visit exhibitions?
Are you interested in going to theatres?
Hi, I prepared something more. It is answer to the question „Do you think you eat healthily?”
I think I eat healthily. Since several months I have tried to pay attention to what I have bought. It is important, because when I eat healthy I feel better. I focus on eating proper amount of fibre, carbohydrates, fat and sugar. Since long time I have avoided food preservatives, so when I do shopping I carefully read ingredients of products.
Of course I sometime eat for example fast food, but in my opinion from time to time it is not disastrous. Unfortunately I have a sweet tooth, so I like eating almost all kind of sweetmeats. When I was a child I used to eat sweets very often. Now I bother to cut sugar down.
Additionally I like eating fruit and vegetables. They are a great source of vitamins. Next I bother to eat fish at least once a week and from time to time snack every kind of nuts.
To sum up I think I eat healthily.
I know I have problem with punctuation marks (especially with commas…:))
Hi Natalia, well done!!! :) Thanks for your involvement. You can say e.g. „I like swimming” „I have swum for six months” „I can cut off the outside world ;)
Thank you for so quick answer and tips :))
Hi, I’ve prepared short answer to the question „How do you deal with stress?”
There are a lot of ways to reduce my stress. Firstly, two years ago I joined a gym. In my opinion it’s one of the best way to deal with stress and additionally it’s good for my health and shape. I like doing swimming too. It’s equally relaxing, especially in hot water. I have done swimming since about six months. Another way is going somewhere for the weekend. Then I can stop thinking about problems and focus on taking a rest. At the end I like going to the cinema. When I watch something I can cut myself off from the real world and then I forget about stress.
I don’t know it isn’t too easy??