Poznaj wskazówki, dzięki którym lepiej przygotujesz się do job interview. Jeśli nie widziałeś jeszcze poprzedniego wpisu: rozmowa kwalifikacyjna po angielsku, w którym znajdziesz opracowane pytania i przykładowe odpowiedzi, to nie zwlekaj i zobacz, co przygotowaliśmy dla Ciebie w sekcji Business English.
It seems a good idea to think of our best abilities and write them down on a piece of paper. Don’t forget about your weaknesses and faults as well. In fact, they frequently ask you such tricky questions. Nobody’s perfect, right? Try to think which features you possess can be useful in that particular position. Do you have any of these: touch typing, ability to work under pressure, being good at problem- solving, adaptability, a firm knowledge of foreign languages or communication skills? For sure it will be helpful to mention them during the job interview.
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Study carefully your resume and make sure you know how to emphasize the most precious aspects so that they will impress an interviewer. You may be asked to elaborate on some points and give more detailed information.
Do some research. Check the company’s vision, projects they are involved in and generally speaking what they normally deal with. Lots of candidates are surprised when they receive the question „What do you know about our company?” By the way, print out the directions to be sure you won’t get lost. Ask for the interviewer’s phone number just in case you are late. You never know what may happen on your way to the company.
It is often said „don’t judge a book by its cover” but does it really work during a job interview? Rather not! Remember to put on something neat and smart. It’s an absolutely important part of how to prepare for a job interview. Unfortunately, we need to state it here – fine feathers make fine birds.
Practise your answers to the most common questions. Try to predict what things they will want to hear from you. Be natural, intelligent and say relevant information. Learning everything by heart doesn’t work because you will sound artificial.
If you follow these pieces of advice you will be prepared very well. Now check another article we have prepared for you. You’ll find there typical questions and example answers used during a job interview.
- attend – brać udział w / być obecnym na
- outshine – przyćmiewać (np. konkurenta)
- abilities – umiejętności / zdolności
- weaknesses – słabości / słabe strony
- faults – wady
- features – cechy
- touch typing – pisanie na klawiaturze bez patrzenia
- work under pressure – pracować pod presją
- problem-solving – rozwiązywanie trudności / problemów
- adaptability – zdolność przystosowawcza (np. do nowych warunków)
- firm knowledge – solidna wiedza / znajomość
- communication skills – umiejętności komunikacji
- resume – życiorys (AmE)
- emphasize – podkreślić
- impress – wywierać na kimś wrażenie
- elaborate on – precyzować / wyjaśnić w szczegółach
- research – badania / analiza
- involved in – zaangażowany w
- deal with – zajmować się
- direction – kierunek / wskazówka jak gdzieś dojechać
- just in case – tak na wszelki wypadek
- Don’t judge a book by its cover – nie oceniaj po pozorach
- put on – założyć
- neat and smart – schludny i elegancki
- fine feathers make fine birds – jak cię widzą, tak cię piszą
- predict – przewidzieć
- relevant – istotny
- by heart – na pamięć
- artificial – sztuczny