Przeczytaj poniższy tekst na poziomie C1 na temat radzenia sobie z przeziębieniem. Fragmenty artykułu zostały pomieszane i należy ułożyć je w spójną całość. Poniższy artykuł jest przykładem czytania ze zrozumieniem dla osób zaawansowanych, który może pojawić się na egzaminach językowych takich jak CAE, IELTS lub TELC. Jeśli chcesz przećwiczyć Reading Skills w innej formie i poznać więcej słownictwa C1, już teraz możesz pobrać dodatkowy materiał w formie e-booka. Zawiera on typowe zadania, które często pojawiają się na egzaminach Cambridge.
How to Cope with a Cold?
A. such as chilli, pepper and ginger for an extra warming boost, whilst citrus flavours like lemon contain vitamin C. In addition to keeping hydrated, be sure to graze regularly to maintain energy levels, with soups an exquisite and nutritious choice. Chicken soup is thought to have particular benefits for invalids, with added vegetables boosting the nutritional content.
B. Additionally, mentholated balms such as tiger balm rubbed on the temples can soothe headaches. If you want to get over a common cold, it’s better to stay at home and get some rest. So grab your duvet and stock up on your favourite soup and TV series.
Jeżeli chcesz poćwiczyć czytanie po angielsku zachęcamy Ciebie gorąco do zapoznania się z bogatą ofertą opowiadań i kryminałów po angielsku, na każdym poziomie zaawansowania.
Zobacz ofertę
C. symptoms, there are other measures which can also be incorporated into the recovery regimen. It is clear that you do not want to look like death warmed up. Research has suggested that increasing the intake of vitamin C can diminish the severity and duration of a cold, so consider gulping more orange juice or taking a vitamin C supplement. Using a supplement with zinc can build up the immune system. Echinacea is also believed to boost immunity and is available in tablet form or in some teas.
D. Colds can make us feel under the weather, with the main symptoms including a blocked and runny nose, temperature, headache and fatigue. All these symptoms together can result in the sufferer feeling unwell. Whilst over-the-counter medications such as decongestants can alleviate
E. Rest is important where possible, but try to restrain yourself from lying down for long periods of time as this can escalate congestion and associated discomfort. Using extra pillows in bed will keep you more elevated to ease this problem. Having a warm bath before hitting the hay will help you unwind and adding mentholated oils or bath salts to the water can help to clear the airways.
F. Hot drinks are an excellent way to soothe some cold symptoms and generally make you feel a little better, providing warmth and comfort. Don’t let the illness drain your body of vital liquids. Herbal and fruit teas are particularly recommended and you can sweeten them with honey to ease a sore throat. Look out for spiced varieties incorporating ingredients