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- 1. bottom line – the amount of money which a company has or loses (saldo, wynik finansowy – to, co zostaje na czysto)
„One of my duties is to keep a careful eye on the bottom line.” - 2. break even – a situation in which a firm neither makes a profit nor a loss (wyjść na zero)
„I suppose our company will break even at the operating level next year.” - 3. buy a stake in – to buy some part of ownership or shares of a particular company (kupić udziały w)
„Why don’t we buy a stake in that enterprise? It may be quite profitable soon.” - 4. close up shop – to stop running your own business for a short time or permanently (zwinąć interes)
„If the crisis doesn’t come to an end, we will have to close up shop.” - 5. cash up – check how much money you have earned on a daily basis (liczyć utarg)
„And now the best part of the day. Let’s cash up!” - 6. a company man – a loyal worker for whom the success of a company is more important than friendship or personal beliefs (osoba w pełni oddana firmie)
„I am absolutely sure I can become a company man if you hire me.” - 7. cream of the crop – the best employees in a company (najlepsi pracownicy w firmie, czołówka)
„After a few years of hard work I’ve become the cream of the crop.” - 8. corner the market – to dominate a particular market with your brand and get rid of competition (wykosić konkurencję)
„Provided that we develop dynamically, we’ll be able to corner the market for household appliances in our country.”
- 9. cut to the chase – to start dealing with the most important things rather than waste time (przejść do rzeczy)
„Let’s cut to the chase and begin our meeting, shall we?” - 10. defeat a motion – not to accept a suggestion / proposal at a meeting (odrzucić wniosek)
„We’re disappointed that they defeated a motion to change the working conditions.” - 11. drop the ball – fail to do something (spartaczyć, spieprzyć)
„I dropped the ball, I admit. What am I supposed to do now?”
- 12. fit the bill – to be just what is needed at a particular moment to meet up expectations. (spełniać oczekiwania)
„Our company is known for fitting the bill of the most demanding customers.” - 13. gain ground – to become extremely popular, successful and accepted in the market (odnosić coraz większy sukces)
„These products are rapidly gaining ground in the European Union.” - 14. go for broke – take a chance and wait to see what happens (postawić wszystko na jedną kartę)
„I went for broke when setting up my own business and it paid off.” - 15. a hard sell – an aggressive method of selling in which a person persuades customers to buy an item (nachalna, agresywna sprzedaż)
„In accordance with our standards we avoid a hard sell to our customers.” - 16. in the black / red – to have or lack money to run a business (być wypłacalnym / na minusie)
„This month has been good for my business. My store is in the black.” - 17. in the long run / term – not immediately, but probably in the near future (na dłuższą metę)
„I predict the position of our company will strengthen in the long run.” - 18. a long shot – something that may not work in practice but it’s worth trying anyway (być loterią, ryzykowną próbą)
„It was a long shot, but now I think it was a good lesson for me.” - 19. in the loop – belong to a group of workers who have certain information and can make important decisions (mieć wpływ na podejmowanie decyzji)
„It’s annoying that I’m not in the loop when it comes to my department.” - 20. keep track of – to follow current news on something (być z czymś na bieżąco)
„I need to find a new system to keep track of my expenses.” - 21. kickback – give someone some money in order to gain something in return (łapówka)
„I would never accept a kickback even if it was a lot of money.” - 22. know the ropes – to know how to do something especially a job (być obeznanym)
„Well, I’m the one who knows the ropes and can help you with this problem.” - 23. lead time – the time between planning and launching new solutions (okres projektowania i wdrażania)
„The lead time to prepare a new advertising campaign is short so you’d better get down to work.” - 24. make a cold call – call to unknown clients in order to present an offer (telefonować jako akwizytor)
„Most businesses make cold calls but we prefer to use e-mails to contact prospective clients.” - 25. out-of-pocket expenses – money you pay for things you need (bieżące wydatki)
„I keep track of my out-of-pocket expenses when I’m on a business trip.” - 26. keep your nose to the grindstone – to work hard and be busy doing your duties (tyrać jak wół)
„If you want to succeed in this corporation, you’ve got to keep your nose to the grindstone.” - 27. raise the bar – to have higher expectations from someone (podnosić poprzeczkę)
„My manager raised the bar to see how I would cope with pressure.” - 28. red ink – a loss which one can see on their financial statement (strata)
„Too much red ink and this business will collapse sooner or later.” - 29. red tape – a situation in which there are too many documents, rules and strange regulations (biurokracja)
„There is a lot of red tape in Poland. That’s why young people don’t start economic activity.” - 30. take a nose-dive – decrease in value (gwałtownie spadać np. o cenach)
„The company’s share price took a nose-dive last week.”
Czekałam właśnie na coś takiego. Czyli mogę się zabrać za czytanie New York Times? :) Kupiłam wasz materiał 70 idiomów biznesowych i jestem niezwykle usatysfakcjonowana zawartością. Ktoś miał głowę do pozbierania tego w całość. Nie było mnie tu dwa miesiące, a tak dużo się zmieniło w sekcji Business English.
Nie lubie „cold call”, ale dobrze wiedzieć jak ich nazwać :P
Bardzo przydatne. Idiomy biznesowe to ciekawy dodatek :) Ostatnio w pracy miałam okazje usłyszeć od klienta keep track of i wspomniał coś o polskiej red tape ;-)