A wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of your life and we seem to do our best to make those few hours special. In fact, the majority of women dream of a groovy wedding reception and being in the limelight all day and night. However, when the party slowly comes to an end they wish to take off their pinching shoes and slightly dusty wedding dresses. This did not come into play in case of Xiang Junfeng who refused to put her wedding dress back into a wardrobe as most brides do. Instead, she has worn it for over ten years every day!
Jeżeli chcesz poćwiczyć czytanie po angielsku zachęcamy Ciebie gorąco do zapoznania się z bogatą ofertą opowiadań i kryminałów po angielsku, na każdym poziomie zaawansowania.
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An inconspicuous Chinese woman maintains that her wedding was meaningful and it was not simply a celebration of love. According to Yahoo.com the woman „was kidnapped at the age of 18, sold as a slave, and forced to marry an elderly man in Linyi. It took 15 years until she could escape to Liujiazhuang village, where she was helped by a local woman. When she later met the woman’s brother, the two immediately hit it off.” She was overwhelmed by reality of abusive men who treated her badly. But this story had its happy ending. Xiang decided to give a chance to a new bloke and vested her hopes in his good intentions. Later she said „we felt comfortable with each other, so we have been together since then. I am very happy now, as my husband is very good to me.”
To thank her husband for being so rad to her she resolved to continue wearing the wedding dress till the end of her life. To go a bit further with that she „actually bought four other wedding dresses as well.” Malicious people in town call her „Sister Wedding Gowns” and think she is a sort of weirdo. Nevertheless, this Bride Forever does not care about other people’s opinions and promised to show what real love means to her.
be in the limelight – być w centrum uwagi
pinch – uwierać (o butach)
come into play – wchodzić w rachubę
inconspicuous – niepozorny
maintain – utrzymywać / twierdzić
hit it off with – dobrze się rozumieć z (kimś)overwhelmed – przytłoczony
a bloke – facet (BrE slang)
vest one’s hopes in – pokładać nadzieje w (czymś / kimś)
rad – wspaniały
resolve – postanowić
malicious – złośliwy
a weirdo – dziwak
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