Dziś mamy dla Was artykuł po angielsku, w którym podpowiadamy jak zorganizować pracę w biurze. Zaczynamy od biurka, dokumentacji, a skończymy na odpadach. Tekst został opracowany z myślą o osobach, które pragną poznać język biznesu w naturalny sposób – czytając po angielsku. Ucz się nowych słówek i szukaj inspiracji do zmian z Gettin’ English. Jeśli chcesz uporządkować swoją wiedzę z zakresu angielski biznesowy, sprawdź również nasz najnowszy e-book. Znajdziesz w nim najważniejsze zagadnienia związane ze środowiskiem pracy.
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To organize your desktop perfectly, keep only the essential things on top. These include a computer, waste bin, telephone, note paper and stapler. Avoid keeping the things you do not use often on the desktop because it will look untidy. Put other office supplies in a drawer that is easily accessible from your desk. Calendars and photos should be placed on the office wall rather than your desk.
If your desk does not have a drawer, you should consider getting files that can be put under your desk. They offer you more storage for your supplies and surface space for a printer, scanners or any other equipment that need to be placed around you.
To arrange supplies inside the drawers, consider separating the items and putting them into different sections. Keep folders and envelopes each in its tower or cabinet and label them for fast and easy access. If you lack storage places, you can use labeled clear boxes to store extra staples, rubber bands among other office supplies.
Paper management is a practice that is very useful when it comes to organizing your space for maximum functionality and optimum use. When old books, files, receipts and other office papers are not properly stored, a lot of space ends up being wasted. Consider buying a self storage unit which can be used to hold files and other office papers that are not used often but cannot be disposed since they are still important. They may be used for future reference.
Waste management is also very important at your office. Make sure that you place the waste bin somewhere you can reach easily. Line it with a plastic paper bag to make emptying it easy. When you are purchasing a waste bin, make sure it is big enough to hold a week’s trash. You do not want to waste your time emptying it daily or even many times a day. Do not use it to dispose smelly food stuff. What is more, make sure that there is a shredder in the office. Remember to shred any paper with sensitive information before putting it into a waste bin.
To maintain a highly organized workspace, take a few minutes of your time to put everything in order before you leave the office at the end of the day. Make a list of any supplies you need to buy and plan for the next day. This improves your ability to focus and remain organized at all times.
stapler – zszywacz
desktop – blat biurka
supplies – zaopatrzenie
drawer – szuflada
consider – brać pod uwagę
file – teczka na dokumenty
folder – skoroszyt
envelope – koperta
cabinet – szafka
label – opatrywać etykietą
lack – nie mieć czegoś
rubber band – gumka recepturka
properly – odpowiednio, jak należy
storage unit – półka, szafka
dispose – pozbyć się
reach – sięgnąć
empty – opróżniać
purchase – zakupić
trash – śmieci
shredder – niszczarka
sensitive information – poufne informacje
improve – poprawić
remain – pozostać
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