Blogging. Who is it for and why do you need one? If you’re an individual, a blog can be about anything. Life in general. Your log for the world to see. No matter if you have a mom-and-pop store or a start-up, a blog is a chance for you to offer customers advice and to lend credibility to your product or service. It is purposeful information that people expect when they read your blog, rather than a bunch of nonsense.
Well, that’s not the main reason to have a blog. All you need to know is that a blog can be used as a free marketing tool. Blogs cost very little to start up and there’s a ton of websites you can set a blog up for free. Having a blog will help your search engine optimization (SEO) ability because the scarce keywords will be found by search engines. With so many businesses you are competing with, a blog is essential to set your business apart.
Jeżeli chcesz poćwiczyć czytanie po angielsku zachęcamy Ciebie gorąco do zapoznania się z bogatą ofertą opowiadań i kryminałów po angielsku, na każdym poziomie zaawansowania.
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The people who are into using a blog in place of having a website are entrepreneurs. It is particularly attractive for business owners that start up with a budget of next to nothing. Websites cost money to design and host, while a blog costs absolutely nothing! You can put anything in a blog, from photographs to videos; and content to calendars, graphs and clip art. It is immeasurable what you can do with a blog.
The thing that you need to avoid on your blog is phony baloney. It needs to have meaning in order to draw more business and traffic. What you need to do is to attract “followers” to your blog. But how?
Let me pinpoint 10 reasons to have a blog:
- Allows clients to find you and learn about your service or product
- Free or low cost to set up and run
- Bumps up your SEO with a continuous stream of relevant content
- Attracts more traffic to your site
- Makes you trustworthy as an “expert” in your field
- Gives your business and website a “personality”
- Can be used as a platform for promotions and incentives
- Great way to spread news about your industry
- Easier than sending out emails to everyone
- You can even make money with your blog by adding ad campaigns or links to other sites
So, there you have it. What are you waiting for? Make time in your schedule to man your blog. If not every day, then strive to work on your blog at least three times weekly to maintain fresh content and relevant, time-sensitive postings. Write with purpose and conviction, rather than writing about doltish stuff. Be authentic! All you need to do is to sit back and enjoy the gravy that your business is bound to bring sooner or later.
credibility – wiarygodność
scarce – rzadki, nieczęsto spotykany
set something apart (from) – wyróżniać coś jakością od czegoś
entrepreneur – przedsiębiorca
next to nothing – bardzo mało
pinpoint – dokładnie określić
bump up – zwiększyć
incentive – zachęta, bodziec
strive to – usiłować, starać się coś zrobić
doltish – głupkowaty
gravy – łatwa kasa, szmal (AmE)
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