Przeczytaj poniższy tekst na temat strachu związanego z wizytą u stomatologa. Angielski dla stomatologów. Sprawdź w słowniczku nowo poznane słówka.
Are you afraid of visiting a dentist? It’s normal! Let’s face it – it is not fun and all the procedures a dentist needs to perform on you, are frequently painful. But what can you do? Some people take a stress ball and keep it in their hands or simply decide on being under anaesthetic. You can take a sedation or even ask your dentist for nitrous oxide. It’s a good solution for those people who have fear of needles. Even though you may hate the sound of dental drill, don’t go out immediately. Remember it’s all for your health.
Sprawdź ofertę książek do nauki języka angielskiego zawodowego. Poznaj jeszcze więcej słówek i zwrotów związanych z Twoją branżą. Największy wybór tylko w sklepie internetowym
Zobacz ofertę
Poniżej przedstawiamy przykładowy dialog u stomatologa. Przeanalizuj każde zdanie pod kątem przydatnych wyrażeń. Poniżej znajdziesz tłumaczenie najtrudniejszych słów i przydatnych zwrotów, które pomogą Ci odnieść sukces w codziennej komunikacji.
Dentist: Sit down, please. What seems to be the problem?
Patient: I have a toothache.
Dentist: Which tooth is it? Which side of the mouth is the pain at?
Patient: It’s here at the back.
Dentist: When did the pain begin?
Patient: Two days ago.
Dentist: Does anything make the pain worse?
Patient: Yes, eating or drinking something cold or hot.
Dentist: Did you take any painkillers to relieve this pain?
Patient: Only some aspirin.
Dentist: Open your mouth wide, please. Does it hurt here?
Patient: Ouch, it really does.
Dentist: When did you last visit a dentist?
Patient: I think it was two years ago.
Dentist: What was it for?
Patient: A check-up.
Dentist: Did you receive any dental treatment then?
Patient: I had fillings replaced.
Dentist: Now, about your oral hygiene. How often do you brush your teeth?
Patient: Only in the morning, I am afraid.
Dentist: For how long?
Patient: About half a minute.
Dentist: Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth?
Patient: No, no blood.
Dentist: Do you floss?
Patient: No, never.
Dentist: Do you eat a lot of sweets?
Patient: Yes, I’ve got quite a sweet tooth, I must admit.
Dentist: Do you have a problem visiting the dentist?
Patient: Frankly speaking, yes. It is the drill that I hate and that characteristic smell.
Dentist: Would you like me to give you an anaesthetic?
Patient: Yes, please. I wouldn’t let the dentist do anything without one.
Doctor: Relax, it won’t hurt.