Budowanie świadomości marki (branding) to technika marketingowa polegająca na kreowaniu pozytywnego wizerunku konkretnej marki w umysłach konsumentów. Co należy zrobić, aby lepiej trafić do grupy docelowej i skutecznie sprzedać swój produkt? Odpowiedni dobór słów, hasła reklamowe oraz inne zabiegi marketingowe Ci w tym pomogą. Opracowaliśmy dla Ciebie tekst po angielsku zatytułowany ’Branding Kreowanie Marki’, który fachowo przedstawi główne strategie popularyzacji Twojej firmy. Dodatkowo znajdziesz na naszej stronie słownictwo angielski w marketingu. Zapamiętaj nowe słowa i wykorzystaj je w komunikacji biznesowej.
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Branding, one of the most important elements of launching a new product in the market. It is a process which involves creating a unique name and image for a particular item in consumers’ minds through advertising campaigns and other sales pitches. Establishing an identity for a product is usually long-term, but thanks to psychological tricks we can easily shape clients’ preferences. How does it work?
- Distinguish your product from competitors’ offerings. If the product you sell is similar to the ones available in the market, you need to show why product XYZ is special and unique. Additionally, that seems to be reasonable to position your product. Is it high-end (also called upscale or up-market), mid-market, or low-end?
- Point out the benefits. Nowadays when competition tends to be so fierce, a client needs to see clearly how the product can change his life. Will he save up money or time? It seems to be a good idea to introduce loyalty programs to reward regular customers.
What counts most is simplicity
- Packaging which does not only protect the product during shipping and handling, but also adds value. The visibility of the product on the shelf appears to be significant if you expect to appeal to the most demanding buyers. What counts most is simplicity. Let’s take Apple’s products as an example. They do not have overwhelming graphics or catchy words; the product itself triggers an emotional response.
- Leave the target customer with a positive attitude to the company and make the product sought-after. The majority of people are driven by senses: sound, sight, taste and smell. If you combine them together, it is more likely that customers will reach for their wallets.
- There is no better way to promote the product than by word of mouth. People do not trust advertisements as much as they did in the past. They like to receive reliable recommendation of people who are in a similar situation. Use the power of social media namely social networking sites. That is why, Gettin’ English can be found on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Instagram. We do not expect our users to find us, we are where they spend most of their free time. Check how we promote our brand.
branding – kreowanie marki
launch a new product – wprowadzić na rynek nowy produkt
sales pitch – chwyt marketingowy
distinguish – wyróżniać (czynić innym)
high-end – z wyższej półki
low-end – niższej klasy
fierce – zażarty / zacięty (np. konkurencja)
reward regular customers – nagradzać stałych klientów
packaging – opakowanie
shipping – wysyłka
demanding – wymagający
simplicity – prostota
overwhelming – przytłaczający
catchy – chwytliwy (np. slogan)
trigger – wywołać (np. reakcję)
attitude – nastawienie / stosunek (do kogoś / czegoś)
sought-after – pożądany / mający wzięcie
word of mouth – przekaz ustny
reliable recommendation – wiarygodna rekomendacja
social networking sites – serwisy społecznościowe
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